Reflections on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021.

The following piece is by me, from me, and has no media bias. My fellow bloggers, friends, whomever, what you witnessed on Wednesday was something I hope none of us have to see again in our lifetime. As I write this post 48 hours+ after it all started, I still can’t grasp what happened. ItContinue reading “Reflections on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021.”

2020. what a year…what a ride.

As the year ends later this week, I thought it would be good and nice to look at any and all positives that came out of this year. I have strong hopes that 2021 will be better for a lot of us, myself included. However, 2020 wasn’t all doom and gloom. In fact, I haveContinue reading “2020. what a year…what a ride.”

Sports and kneeling

I feel like this is something I need to get out since this is starting to become a common theme. When Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem during a game back in 2016, I first thought to myself, “Dude. You are supposed to stand! What are you doing?!” I thought it wasContinue reading “Sports and kneeling”

End of the year already?

As Christmas and New Year’s is fast approaching, take some time and reflect on this year. Think about some the good stuff and the bad stuff that happened. What did you accomplish? What did you want to accomplish, but didn’t get to? Do you have something on your Christmas list that you really want? Or,Continue reading “End of the year already?”

2009-10 vs. 2019-20.

Normally I back away from these ‘challenges’ and hate sharing anything silly that is going viral, but this one I will take part in because it is a good time to do some reflecting too. 2009-10: I’m a Sophomore at Frostburg State. I’m an Earth Science and Secondary Education major. Classes are going pretty well.Continue reading “2009-10 vs. 2019-20.”

Hello world!

Good Saturday morning and Hello world! I am writing this from my computer and not my mobile device. I was able to do some ‘surgery’ to it and got it to work at last. How many of you still use a laptop or desktop to get things done? I don’t mind using my mobile device,Continue reading “Hello world!”

Ten things you (probably) don’t know about me.

With my birthday being next Monday, I thought it would be good to tell you guys ten things you (probably) don’t know about me. Here we go. My friends and my family are my everything. As mentioned in my last blog post, I always put their happiness before mine. I know I shouldn’t, but IContinue reading “Ten things you (probably) don’t know about me.”

Okay, here goes.

Okay, here goes. Normally I don’t put much of my personal life on here because well, who really cares what is going on in my personal life, aka “laundry” or “baggage”? This is one of those exceptions. For those that haven’t heard, my (ex) gf and I broke up about a month ago on mutualContinue reading “Okay, here goes.”

I know I said I would wait, but..

I know I said I would wait, but I have to get this out. Especially since we are getting too attached to electronics and forgetting about those that mean something to us. As I start to look back at 2018, unlike most people, this year was actually a pretty good year to me. Sure, IContinue reading “I know I said I would wait, but..”