Uh, hi.

Uh, hi. Sorry about my lack of writing lately. My computer decided it wanted to give out on me when I returned home from New York earlier this year and I’ve been stuck using my mobile phone for almost everything. Thankfully, I was able to do some rework with it and got it up andContinue reading “Uh, hi.”

The frustration builds.

Lately at work, I have been feeling kind of frustrated with how things have been going. While I am still regarded as one of the hardest workers in the building, I feel like outside of that, I am not the same person. I get constantly heckled for silly stuff, my coworkers like to think I’mContinue reading “The frustration builds.”

Happy Holidays!

First off, I want to apologize for not writing a post in a while. We are back into our slow period at work, so expect more posts to come your way. Now, onto your regularly scheduled programming. I want to take a moment here and wish all of you a joyous holiday season. Whether youContinue reading “Happy Holidays!”

My fellow bloggers.

My fellow bloggers. It is now a sad time here in the United States. President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order saying that refugees from certain African and Middle Eastern countries will not be allowed to enter the country and will be detained if they try and do so. This makes me really sad,Continue reading “My fellow bloggers.”